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School Policies


Adult students qualify for programs or classes based on achievement test results. Students who test below the normal admission requirements may be provisionally admitted to programs or courses at staff discretion. Such provisionally accepted students will be rejected from continuing in the program if they are not able to improve test scores to demonstrate ability to benefit. 





  • Students are required to call 510-522-3858 or email the office or email their teachers if they are going to be absent from class.
  • ESL, High School Diploma, GED/HiSET students who do not attend classes for four (4) days will be dropped.
  • Dropped students will have to re-register



The Alameda Unified School District Board of Trustees recognizes that the District has primary responsibility for insuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The District shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The District shall follow complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal law. See Adult School Administration to obtain information relating to complaints.



Alameda Adult School offers high school credit towards a high school diploma. Students who complete all requirements may earn a High School Diploma from Alameda Unified School District Board of Education. Academic counseling is available by appointment only. Certificates of course completion are available.



Smoking and/or the use of any tobacco product is prohibited at all District sites, including Alameda Adult School. The No-Smoking Policy is applicable in school buildings and on school grounds (including the Adult School from entry, breezeways between buildings, and parking lot). Thank you for your support of this policy.



Alameda Unified School District is committed to providing equal opportunity for students in all education programs and activities and for all employees and applicants for employment. This policy is in compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.



Alameda Adult School Privacy and Personal Information Policy includes the stipulations in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
COLLECTION: Staff and student personal information is vital to the survival of Alameda Adult School. We are required to collect personal information directly from AAS students to get specific program funding from other agencies. This funding enables AAS to provide low-cost and no-fee classes. The information helps AAS make management decisions regarding which courses to offer. It also guides AAS in its communication with students. Staff personal information is crucial for communication, payroll and other administrative tasks.
USE: Alameda Adult School uses student information to keep students informed about their classes and about similar courses in which they may be interested in. Students can choose NOT to be contacted by the school by contacting the main office. This information is also used:
  • to accommodate staff and students in case of a medical emergency,
  • to inquire about attendance or academic issues that may prevent a student from completing courses,
  • Career Technical Education students may be contacted later for course evaluations or employment information,
  • staff members may be contacted for administrative or curricular reasons.
PRIVACY NOTICE: AAS has video surveillance in strategic locations on campus for student and staff safety. The video information is stored on a computer and is deleted after 7 days.
DISCLOSURE: Alameda Adult School keeps the individual identity of staff and students private when their personal information is shared with other agencies. Only authorized State of California or Alameda Unified School District auditors are allowed, under our supervision, to view original files which disclose personal information with names. Staff and students’ personal information is protected and will not leave the Alameda Adult School campus without prior written consent from the Principal.
EXCEPTIONS: Some groups, such as law enforcement agencies, have a lawful or investigative need to collect, use and disclose personal information without having to obtain the consent of the concerned individuals. For these reasons, certain exemptions are included:
  • if the action clearly benefits the individual,
  • if obtaining permission could infringe on the information's accuracy,
  • where such data can contribute to a legal investigation or aid in an emergency where lives and safety could be at stake,
  • if disclosure aids, in times of emergency, matters of legal investigation, or facilitates the conservation of historically important records.
STAFF AND STUDENT RECORD ACCESS – Staff and students who have questions regarding their personal information or want to view their personal information can do so by contacting the main office at (510) 522-3858 and requesting an appointment with an administrator.



Students who have 40+ hours of attendance and request verification must have completed taking the pre and post CASAS test. If you have not taken the CASAS tests, you will be required to take the test before acquiring an attendance report/verification.



Registered students or legal guardians of registered students participating in Alameda Adult School programs agree to hold Alameda Unified School District free and harmless from any claim or expense that may arise because of participation in the school program(s). Alameda Unified School District does NOT carry medical insurance for its students.
Este distrito escolar seguira las reglas y procedimientos para investigar y resolver cualquier disputa (queja) con respecto a discriminacíon o incomplimiento de las leyes Estatales y Federales. Contactar la Administracíon de la Escuela de Adultos acerca de cualquier queja (disputa).